

When using electrical appliances, we require different ranges of electrical voltages. For example, an air conditioner needs more voltage compared to a pedestal fan. If we try to use items that require a higher voltage, like 120 volts, but the electrical circuit is only producing 70 volts, then our appliances are at high risk. A voltage meter, as defined by its name, is a device used to measure voltages in electrical circuits.

Voltmeter for Solar System 

Voltmeters help us to ensure that the solar system complies with electrical standards and regulations because the WAPDA team ensures the voltage produced from the solar system during their visit to accept Net Metering Requests. 

Mainly, there are two types of voltmeters in terms of functionality: analog and digital voltmeters. An analog includes a needle and a dial to show the voltage. When we connect the probes, the needle moves to indicate the voltage level. On the other hand, a digital voltmeter shows the voltage on a digital screen after connection. Digital readings make it easier to read and are often more precise.

Prices of voltmeters and Multimeters in Pakistan

Voltmere/MultimeterApproximate Price  (RS)
Digital DC Volt Meter 8V To 30V225​ 
Square Digital AC 60-500V269
DT-830D Digital Multimeter795​
SAMA Yx-360tr Analog Multimeter1,680​ 
VC9205A AC/DC Digital Multimeter1,390​
UNI-T UT206 Digital Clamp Meter12,840​ 
UNI-T UT204+ Digital Clamp Meter13,500​ 
Mastech MS8217 Digital Multimeter8,000​ 
Sonel CMP-2000 Digital Clamp On Multimeter56,000​ 

Types of voltmeter 

There are multiple types. Each type is specifically designed for a specific purpose. Here are some commonly known types given below:

Digital volt meters (DVM)

These are suitable for laboratory work, home electronics, and industrial automation. They display readings in a numerical format, are portable, and can be easily carried anywhere. There is no limit to the readings as they show exact values in numbers.

Analog volt meters

These are perfect for measuring voltages of electrical panels, electrical power distribution, and industrial control. They are used for highly sensitive items with low internal impedance. They are capable of measuring a wide range of frequencies. These are ideal for scientific research and electrical engineering.

Portable volt meters

These are used to repair portable devices and for portable energy measurements. As they are portable, they are perfect for fieldwork because they are lightweight and easy to carry. They can be operated on batteries, so direct electricity is not needed.

Panel volt meters

These are specifically designed for electrical panels, control panels, and industrial automation. These are highly durable and reliable for monitoring and controlling electrical systems.

Digital Multimeters (DMM)

These are also known as DMMs, are used for home maintenance and general electrical appliances. They measure voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and frequency.

Compact volt meters

These are used for narrow spaces or where a portable voltmeter is needed. They are simple and small in size, making them ideal for narrow spaces.

Moving Coil volt meters

These are used in laboratories and educational experiments. They feature an analog display and provide precise measurements.

RF volt meters

These are used to measure radio frequencies. It manages the radio frequency of devices like microwaves. They are capable of measuring RF signals and high-frequency devices.

Benefits of Volt Meters for Solar Systems

Accurate Voltage Monitoring

Volt meters provide precise readings of the voltage levels in solar panels and batteries. These readings ensure that our solar system is operating efficiently and effectively. We can check how much voltage is being produced to determine how many appliances we can use.

System Optimization

We can optimize the performance of our solar system by monitoring voltage . We can ensure that the panels are generating the maximum possible power and the batteries are charging and discharging correctly.

Early Fault Detection

We can monitor our voltages regularly.  This continuous monitoring helps us to detect issues such as faulty panels, wiring problems, or issues in batteries and prevent on time without bearing extra cost. 


Volt meter helps to ensure that the voltage produced by the solar system is within safe limits. It reduces the risk of electrical hazards and ensures the safe  installation.

Improved Battery Management

Accurate voltage readings are crucial for effective battery management. It prevents overcharging.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

It is a significant tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems within a solar system. We can solve our issues fast after quick identification only. 

Efficiency Verification

Volt meters help to verify the efficiency of solar panels as it provides the voltage output. It helps us to understand  whether the panels are performing as expected.

Energy Consumption Monitoring

We can better understand the energy consumption patterns of our appliances by measuring voltages. It also help usto make informed decisions about energy produced and consumed 

Enhanced System Lifespan

Regular voltage monitoring helps maintain the health of the solar system components, extending the overall lifespan of the system.

How Does a voltmeter Work?

We use voltmeter to measure voltage  in this way: 

  • Start with connecting the voltmeter to the circuit you want to test. 
  • This meter has two robes attached; one red and one black. 
  • Now connect the red probe to the positive side of the circuit, and then connect black probe to the negative side 
  • When the probes are connected, the voltmeter measures the difference in electrical potential between the two points.
  • Look at the displays as a numerical value on its digital screen or you can see manually as well


We should understand the importance of voltmeters. Whether you are a professional or just want to measure the voltages of your solar panel to understand general appliance loads, a voltmeter is essential for anyone dealing with electrical circuits. I recommend investing in a quality voltmeter and using it according to proper guidelines for optimal maintenance.


The current produced by solar panels is direct current (DC). An individual definitely needs an inverter in order to convert DC to AC.

We need a Voltmeter meter to measure electricity generated by the solar system.  This meter doesn’t transfer the power, rather just give us the number of units produced.

A voltmeter is used to measure the electric potential of an electric circuit. We can see the voltage by using this instrument.

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