5KW Solar System

5KW solar system Price in Pakistan

Pakistan is a developing country in which poverty and inflation rates are very high. People are now facing difficulty in paying heavy electricity bills. Due to the above reasons, people are now shifting to solar power. Solar panel rates are now low and people can zero their electricity bills by installing a solar system according to their monthly electricity consumption. 5KW solar system is for those people whose monthly consumption is 500 to 600 units. If your monthly consumption is up to 600 units, then a 5KW solar system can zero your electricity bill. The average price of a complete 5KW solar system is RS.620000 to RS.750000.

Factors affect the price of 5kw solar system

There are different factors in the price of solar systems which include:

1-Type of solar panel.

The type and price of solar panels can affect the whole price of a solar system. A-grade solar panels are expensive as compared to B-grade solar panels while N-type solar panels are expensive and P-type are less expensive. So, the price of N-type solar panels will also affect the high price of the overall solar system.

2-Type of inverter.

The prices of solar inverters are different for different types. Hybrid solar inverters are the best of the remaining types. Relatively prices of hybrid solar inverters are higher than others while off-grid solar inverters are less expensive than all others. So, the hybrid solar system will be more expensive than the off-grid solar system comparatively.

3-Price of Batteries.

The prices of batteries also vary based on factors including brand quality, capacity of batteries, brand reputation, and local market conditions. In Pakistan AGS Brand battery prices are relatively high as compared to the OSAKA brand. So, if you are buying OSAKA brand batteries, it will affect a relatively less expensive solar system as a whole.

4-Frame expense.

The frame is an integral part of the whole solar system and can influence the price of the solar system. If you are using a High-quality materials frame, it will be weather-resistant and more durable as compared to a low-quality material frame and it will also affect the high-priced solar system. 

5-Labor cost.

Labor costs can significantly affect the price of solar systems. Several factors can affect the price of solar systems which include, Installation complexity like roof type and number of panels can also increase labor costs. Local labor rates also vary by area which can also affect the price of solar systems. Skilled labor also charges high rates, which can affect the price of solar systems.

Price of 5KW hybrid solar system in Pakistan

Product/SpecificationQuantityPriceTotal Price
JA N-type Bificial 580 watt solar panel price9 Panels of 580-watt19720177480
Hybrid solar inverter price01150000150000
AGS batteries 21 Plates0337000110000
Frame Expense05700035000
Protection breaker, DC breaker, Safety breaker, Nut bolt, DBox, and all other accessories (Estimated cost)—-2000020000
Labor cost—-3000030000
DC cable 10mm coil021500030000
Net Metering01150000150000

The appliances can be used on a 5KW solar system

AppliancesTotal WattsTotal Appliances
2-ton inverter AC250001
Household Refrigerator100001
Washing Machine (100 watts)10001
Fans (60 watts each)36006
LCD of LED20002
Lights (15 watts each)30020

Types of 5kw solar system

The 5KW solar system is available in different types which include:

1-5KW hybrid solar system.

A hybrid solar system is popular and widely used in Pakistan and is the best choice of all other systems. In a hybrid solar system, a Hybrid type of inverter is used which can work with both grid systems and batteries.

2-5KW Off-Grid solar system.

Off-grid solar systems can work with only solar systems and batteries. In this type of solar system, an Off-Grid inverter is used which is unable to work with the grid system. It is the most affordable type of solar system.

3-On-Grid solar system.

The type of solar system in which an ON-Grid solar inverter is used is known as an on-grid solar system. In this system, the ON-Grid solar inverter is connected to the grid station and exchanges electricity through net metering.


To install a 5KW solar system the area will be required depending on the type of solar panels used. The average requirement to install 9-10 plates, 37 feet long and 9 feet wide space is required. A total of 333 square feet is enough to install a 5KW solar system.

The hybrid solar system is the best type of solar system because the hybrid solar inverter can work with both grid systems and batteries but it is relatively expensive.

This 5KW solar system will zero your electricity bill if your monthly consumption is about 600 units. You can also exchange extra energy with grid stations through net metering.

The ability or the capacity of a solar system to generate 5000 watts of electricity is called a 5KW solar system. 5KW solar system is commonly used in residential applications to generate electricity.

In Pakistan, you can buy solar systems from Authorized and Integrated dealers, and choose well-known, established, and specialized companies in solar power solutions that offer High-quality products, long time warranties, and after-sale services.


The solar energy system is widely adopted in Pakistan. The government also supporting this adoption. Different capacity solar systems are available in Pakistan. A 5KW solar system is best for houses with a monthly consumption of 600 units. Your monthly bill will be zero if install this system. 620000 to 750000 is the average price of a 5kW solar system.

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